Chiropractic Solutions for Scoliosis
In our practice, we frequently encounter a common condition known as scoliosis. Although it predominantly affects children, adults can also experience its impact. Discover more about this prevalent condition and how chiropractic care can offer relief.
Understanding Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal disorder characterized by sideways curvatures (often resembling an S or C shape). The most prevalent form is idiopathic scoliosis, accounting for roughly 80 percent of cases. Unfortunately, "idiopathic" implies "without known cause," leaving experts with unanswered questions.
Other types of scoliosis include:
Congenital Curve (present from birth)
Paralytic Curve (caused by muscle dysfunction)
Myopathic Deformity (muscle malfunction)
Secondary (resulting from conditions like degeneration, osteoporosis, or osteomalacia)
Affected Demographics
Scoliosis impacts 6 to 9 million individuals in the United States, equivalent to approximately 2 to 3 percent of the population. The most affected age group comprises children aged 10 to 15, with girls more frequently affected than boys. While it predominantly affects this demographic, an increasing number of adults are also grappling with scoliosis.
Potential Causes
As mentioned earlier, the majority of scoliosis cases lack a known cause. In contrast, congenital scoliosis is attributed to abnormal vertebral formation present at birth.
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
Scoliosis typically doesn't manifest with back pain, making it crucial to watch for physical indicators like:
Uneven shoulders or one shoulder blade protruding further than the other when standing
A rib hump or lower back hump when bending forward
An apparent discrepancy in hip height
Utilizing the Cobb Method
The key element in diagnosing scoliosis is measuring the curvature using the Cobb method. A curve exceeding 10 degrees constitutes a positive diagnosis, with greater curves of 25 to 30 degrees being considered significant and curves surpassing 45 to 50 degrees deemed severe.
Diagnosis Procedures
Scoliosis diagnosis involves assessing medical and family histories, conducting a physical examination, and performing spine X-rays. Professional evaluation is crucial as scoliosis signs can be subtle and easily overlooked.
Treatment Choices
Several treatment avenues are available for scoliosis, including chiropractic care, observation, and bracing. Research has demonstrated that active chiropractic treatment can enhance the Cobb angle and alleviate pain. At our clinics, we offer adult braces designed to relieve pain, enhance posture, and alleviate pressure, among other benefits.
Prompt Intervention Matters
Experts concur that early detection is pivotal for effective scoliosis treatment. If you suspect scoliosis or have uncertainties, seeking evaluation promptly is advisable.
Discover Relief Through Chiropractic Care
We invite you to explore how chiropractic care can provide relief for scoliosis. Contact our team today to arrange a private consultation.
Our clinic is committed to ensuring everyone in our community can experience the positive impact of comprehensive chiropractic care. Whether you're curious about chiropractic care or interested in learning about our services, reach out to us today. Your well-being is our priority.